New Wibewa Wagtail Blog

Time Bomb Don

Oct. 15, 2024

Donald Trump's "peace and prosperity" was never meant to last.

Donald Trump is like someone who borrows money to impress a date. If you think Trump was great for the economy then you're the date. You've been wined and dined and you gave yourself to him, but if you stick with him then you're going be paying the bills. Trump is an expert at getting other people to pay his bills.

Because of the pandemic, it's hard to see how Trump's economy was all borrowed. People fixate so much on how Trump wrecked the economy by mishandling COVID-19 that they don't think about or talk about the indications that it would all have disappeared eventually even without a pandemic.

If you do your own research, you'll find the evidence of an economy which, even before COVID, was showing signs of fatal stress. The recovery in manufacturing, which had also been increasing during the Obama years before Republicans took Congress in 2015, had flattened. Big manufacturers, like Ford and GM were moving operations out of the country. Harley Davidson started moving jobs to Thailand.

And through it all, the debt kept rising and breaking records.

The economy fell apart at the end of the Bush years. Obama started to turn that around - at least until 2013 when Republicans shut down the government over their bullshit debt ceiling show and then in 2015 when Republicans took the Senate and controlled both chambers of Congress.

Despite everything getting better until Republicans gained power, they managed to convince voters that Obama was the cause of our problems and needed to be replaced by foul-mouthed pussy-grabbing liar.

And lie he did. He borrowed a ton of money to prop up an economy just long enough to get reelected, which would have worked if not for the pandemic. The general wisdom is you borrow money when you must and pay it back when you can. Trump's philosophy is to just keep borrowing until you can put the load on someone else.

COVID made the economy crash early. You thought you'd live in luxury forever in Trump's care, but before the morning came when you would wake up alone as creditors came to repossess the house, a hurricane destroyed everything. Now he wants your money and your support, and you think it will all be good again once you get him back on his feet.

But it was all a lie. Trump borrowed an economy and told you it was his. All those bills were going to come due eventually.

In addition to the disaster of Trump's mishandling of COVID-19, Joe Biden has been grappling with the time-bombs Trump left - promises to terrorists, appeasement of dictators, threats to our trading partners, and an obscene amount of borrowing when we should have been paying back our debts. I think Biden did OK considering all of that and I'm happy to vote for his successor, Kamala Harris